Tasman Resources is a Perth-based Australian exploration company, focusing on exploration projects with potential to host major mineral deposits in a wide range of precious and base metals including gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, andĀ uranium.
Tasman Resources is a diversified, multi-commodity explorer with projects covering tenement holdings in South Australia. It also has strategic investments in Conico Ltd, a Perth-based WA nickel-cobalt resource developer and Greenland minerals explorer and Eden Innovations Ltd, a clean energy technology company.

The company’s shares are listed on the ASX, relevant information for Tasman Resources Ltd can be obtained from the Australian Stock Exchange.
Tasman Resources is a Perth-based Australian exploration company, focusing on exploration projects with potential to host major mineral deposits in a wide range of precious and base metals including gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, andĀ uranium.
Tasman Resources is a diversified, multi-commodity explorer with projects covering tenement holdings in South Australia. It also has strategic investments in Conico Ltd, a Perth-based WA nickel-cobalt resource developer and Greenland minerals explorer and Eden Innovations Ltd, a clean energy technology company.

The company’s shares are listed on the ASX, relevant information for Tasman Resources Ltd can be obtained from the Australian Stock Exchange.

Tasman also has a significant interest in clean technology company Eden Innovations Ltd.

Tasman has a minority interest in nickel-cobalt resource development company Conico Ltd.